Statistics courses in English

A collection of Statistics courses held in English at the University of Turku are listed here. The special courses found in the regular Statistics Curriculum can also fit well for appliers. You can negotiate about the prerequisites needed for passing the courses with the teacher personally.

You should check whether you have the necessary rights for participating on courses in advance from the relevant department. Also check the courses availible on University of Turku Graduate School.

Academic year 2017-2018

[table tablesorter=”true”]
Course name[attr sort=”asc”], Department/Faculty,Period[attr sort=”asc”],Credits,Link
Introduction to R,Mathematics and Statistics,1-4,2,TILM3517
Longitudinal Data Analysis, Mathematics and Statistics (UTUGS), 1, 5, UTUGS
Structural Equation Modeling with Mplus 1, Education (UTUGS),2, 3-4, KUJA/LUJA/KAJA6059 (UTUGS)
Structural Equation Modeling with Mplus 2, Education (UTUGS),3, 3-4, KUJA/LUJA/KAJA???? (UTUGS)
Basics of Statistics, Mathematics and Statistics (UTUGS), 2, 5, More information later
Advanced Econometrics, Economics, 3, 10, KT043022
XPlease send details to henri.nyberg[at] if you wish to have your course here


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