
These pages concern the teaching of statistics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics (University of Turku).

Master’s degree courses provided are generally held in Finnish. However, some courses are organized in English, which is typically mentioned in the course information in the Peppi study guide. Moreover, in most cases, it is possible to negotiate with the person in charge of the course for alternative course material if the course is not given in English.

You can find the current information about the courses organized in the Statistics track and Statistical Data Analytics track in the Peppi study guide. Bachelor’s level courses are generally organized in Finnish. In unclear situations, you can contact the person in charge mentioned in Peppi.

Statistics is a popular minor subject. There are also courses intended for applicants, such as Elementary Statistics for Human Sciences. In addition, several studies in statistics are offered to those doing a doctoral thesis (through the UTUGS graduate school) and other researchers.